About Spiritual Training and Fasting by Saint Nektarios of Aegina
Spiritual training (pneumatike gymnasia) is askesis for peity. It is most valuable, “having promise for the life that now is, and for that which is to come.” The efforts made for the sake of piety bring spiritual gladness. Theophylaktos says: “Train yourself for piety, that is, for pure faith and the right life. Training, then, […]
About Saints,Repentance and Virtue by Saint Nektarios of Aegina
Saints Our Church honors saints not as gods, but as faithful servants, as holy men and friends of God. It extols the struggles they engaged in and the deeds they performed for the glory of God with the action of His grace, in such a way that all the honor that the Church gives them […]
Life after Death by Saint Nektarios of Aegina
The Teachers of the Eastern Orthodox Church, having Holy Scripture as their foundation, teach that those who die in the Lord go to a place of rest, according to the statement in the Apocalypse: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their […]
Immortality of the Soul by Saint Nektarios of Aegina
The rational soul of man has supernatural, infinite aspirations. If the rational soul were dependent upon the body and died together with the body, it should necessarily submit to the body and follow it in all its appetites. Independence would have been contrary both to the laws of nature and to reason, because it disturbs […]