The Dionysian Authorship of the “Corpus Areopagitism” According to Fr.Dumitru Staniloae
I. The Alleged Neoplatonic Pantheism of the Areopagitic Writings We can say that the presentation of Dionysius as a pantheist has encouraged in the western Christian world a separatist and secularist vision of the world in relation to God, which in turn reinforced the philosophies of the world as the unique reality… This understanding […]
The Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens
St Dionysius lived originally in the city of Athens. He was raised there and received a classical Greek education. He then went to Egypt, where he studied astronomy at the city of Heliopolis. It was in Heliopolis, along with his friend Apollophonos where he witnessed the solar eclipse that occurred at the moment of […]
Are the Writings of Dionysius the Areopagite Genuine?
Introductory From a Christian and theological point of view momentous issues depend upon the answer to this question. The author of these writings quotes Holy Scripture about five hundred times – always as the supreme authority – most frequently as the oracles of God. (Logia). Except the two small letters of John Presbyter, the author […]