Types and Levels of Prayer
In the Orthodox spiritual tradition prayer has a broad, comprehensive and profound meaning.
Buddhism and Eastern Asceticism compared to Orthodox Christian Asceticism
Eastern asceticism aims at divesting the mind of all that is relative and transitory, so that man may identify with the impersonal Absolute.
What is Orthodox Spirituality?
The term spirituality is used very loosely in our culture. But Orthodox spirituality has a very specific meaning.
What is Orthodox Asceticism?
Asceticism is a key part of Orthodox Spirituality. It is not a negative activity but a most positive one.
What is the Orthodox Meaning of Theosis or Union with God?
Saint Theophan the Recluse says, that the aim of an Orthodox Christian is “a living unity with God.” This referred to as “theosis.”
Your body belongs to the Lord
The body is not meant for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body…
The Reception of the Lord and the 40 days prayer
Forty days have just passed since the birth of the God-man, and the Lord is offered to the Temple by His Virgin Mother, and the elder Symeon received Him.
“I won’t force my kids to go to Church”
Church isn’t just one good choice among many. Church isn’t a building. Church, properly understood, is the body of Christ.
The spiritual love
Spiritual love is superior to the love between natural brothers and sisters because one relates to another through Christ and not a common mother.
Why does the world reject the Cross of Christ?
The Cross of Christ teaches us a great truth – that the Christian life is not easy. It hides persecution, rejection, trouble and sorrow according to the world.