Can I achieve Holiness living in a secular city?
Questions and Answers with Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia.
Holiness: The Sacrament of Surprise
The article approaches Christian holiness in a specific perspective, that of surprise.
Should I fear the “aerial toll-houses”?
Questions and Answers with Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia.
“Can I divorce my husband if he is not a Christian?”
Questions and Answers with Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia.
What Orthodox Christianity Is and Isn’t
I will not repeat passages from books, but speak from my heart. Orthodoxy is the only truth. It is an invitation to a moving and amazing adventure.
How Dogma is linked with Ethics and Ascetic Teaching
There is an extraordinary link between dogma and ethics. Theology and dogma can never be separated from the ethical teaching of the Church, which is ascetic.
The sign of the Cross
To make the sign of the cross, Orthodox Christians lift the right hand and touch the forehead, the lower chest or abdomen, the right shoulder, and the left shoulder.
Who is a Saint?
Saints are not just good people, but those who are united with the unincarnate and incarnate Word, with Christ.
How to read the Bible and divide the Church
For many Christians today, this is a question at the heart of what it means to even be a follower of Christ.
God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is consubstantial with the Son and the Father, because all Three Persons of the Holy Trinity have a common essence or nature, and a common energy or intention glory.