Eutychian Monophysitism: Challenges to the Faith in Jesus Christ

After the death of St Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444), who had championed the faith of the Church in Christ by insisting on Christ’s personal unity, but also, it must be remembered, the distinction between His divinity and humanity, there came another wave of Christological debates linked with a monk by the name of Eutyches […]

Sermon on the Sunday of the Fourth Ecumenical Council

Today’s feast, my brothers and sisters in Christ, commemorates the synaxis of the 630 Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council, but it is better remembered by a miracle brought about by St Euphemia and which was commemorated on its own feast day a few days ago, on the 11th of July. Miracles performed by our […]

The Definition of Faith of the 4th Ecumenical Council

The Fourth Ecumenical Council    Held in Chalcedon, near Constantinople, 451. Under Emperor Marcian. 630 Bishops were present. MONOPHYSITE CONTROVERSIES The Council was concerned, once again, with the nature of Jesus Christ. The teaching arose that Christ’s human nature (less perfect) dissolved itself in His divine nature (more perfect): like a cube of sugar in […]