Patriarchal Encyclical for the Protection of the Environment 2021

Patriarchal Encyclical for the Protection of the Environment 2021
September 1st, 2016: Patriarchal Encyclical for the Protection of Environment (Chinese)

September 1st, 2016: Patriarchal Encyclical for the Protection of Environment

We need to have constant vigilance, information and education in order to understand clearly the relationship between today’s ecological crisis and our human passions of greed, materialism, self-centeredness, and rapacity, which result in and lead to the current crisis that we face.
September 1st: Patriarchal Encyclical for the Protection of Environment

“All of creation is renewed by the Holy Spirit, returning to its original state.” (Anavathmoi, First Tone)
Nature and City in the Greek East

The beauty of the city is not as heretofore scattered over it in patches, but covers the whole area like a robe woven to the fringe.
Pope designates September 1 as World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Like their Orthodox brothers and sisters, Catholics formally will mark Sept. 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis has decided.
Metropolitan Zizioulas: “Laudato Si’ is an occasion of great joy and satisfaction for the Orthodox”

Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon’s address for the launch of Pope Francis’ ecology encyclical Laudato Si’.
Environmental Justice and Peace

The word “ecology” contains the prefix “eco,” which derives from the Greek word oikos, signifying “home” or “dwelling.”
Patriarchal Encyclical for the Indiction and the Day for the Protection of our Natural Environment
Prot. No. 718 + BARTHOLOMEW By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome And Ecumenical Patriarch To the Fullness of the Church Grace and Peace from the Creator and Sustainer of All Creation Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ * * * Beloved brothers and children in the Lord, Our God, who created […]
†BARTHOLOMEW By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarchate To the Plenitude of the Church Grace and Peace from the Creator, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ * * * Beloved children in the Lord, God’s grace renders us worthy today to commence yet another ecclesiastical year, one more festive cycle, […]