Bearing the Shame of Confession

In taking the steps which you have presented to us, the most difficult thing, I think, is to overcome the fear of shame. This is what I try to do in my parish.

Lessons in Orthodox Faith and Theology-Confession and Repentance

Lessons in Orthodox Faith and Theology by Fr.Vassilios Papavassiliou.   The Very Revd Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou was born in London on 3rd June 1977. He graduated from Aristotle University, Thessalonica (Greece) in 2004 with a Degree in Pastoral and Social Theology. He was ordained Deacon on 26th December 2004 and Priest on 1st November 2007 […]

Bearing the Shame of Confession

Question: In taking the steps which you have presented to us, the most difficult thing, I think, is to overcome the rear of shame. This is what I try to do in my parish. People will not come to confession although their souls are burdened and things are driving them crazy, because they cannot overcome the […]

Confession of Sins in the Bible and Beyond

Confession of sins is very much a part of Biblical Faith and especially Biblical Christianity, and was closely related to the worship of the True God. From the Old Testament on, it is clear that men should confess their sins, and this practice, though often neglected and denigrated by scoffers, offers real remission of sins […]