How the early Christians fought Abortion
In light of the recent Planned Parenthood videos, abortion and the practices benefiting from it have been re-launched into another public debate.
The 3D Scan of a Disabled Baby’s Smile that Convinced his Mother Not to Abort Him
A mother was unable to abort her severely disabled son despite doctors’ warnings after seeing her baby’s smile in a 3D scan picture. Katyia Rowe was told her baby’s brain had not formed properly and that he would never walk or talk and would need 24-hour care. But after seeing real-time moving scans of him smiling, […]
Abortion, Oikonomia and the “Hard Cases”
This examination of the issue of abortion, the Orthodox concept of oikonomia and certain individual situations used to support and promote the “right” to an abortion has been undertaken primarily because there is a legally and culturally perceived “right to an abortion” in America. Young people growing up today cannot remember a […]