The Life and Teachings of Abba Dorotheos of Gaza

Abba (Father) Dorotheos is a great ascetic personality from the sixth century, but to most people he remains unknown. However, for those who love the study of patristic texts he is known from the book of his wonderful discourses which we will mention below. At a young age he lived in a cenobitic monastery, whose abbot was Abba Seridos. Near the monastery lived two great ascetics, Barsanuphios and John, who are known from The Book of Barsanuphios and John, which contains wise answers to various questions of a spiritual nature.

Abba Dorotheos of Palestine (Gaza)

The Holy Abba Dorotheus was a disciple of St John the Prophet in the Palestinian monastery of Abba Seridus in the sixth century. In his youth he had zealously studied secular science. “When I sought worldly knowledge,” wrote the abba, “it was very difficult at first. When I would come to take a book, I […]

Sayings of Abba Dorotheos

1. Abba Dorotheos used to say, “It is impossible for the person who trusts in his own prudence or his own thoughts to submit himself or pursue the good of his neighbour”. 2. He also used to say, “since we are impassioned beings, we must not trust our own heart, for the crooked rule makes […]