Many Questions, Simple Answers

This Q&A is offered to help clarify the process and governance of the Holy and Great Council.
The Service of Resurrection in Hong Kong

The service of the Glorious Resurrection at Saint Luke Orthodox Cathedral in Hong Kong.
The Tossing of the Holy Cross into the Sea in Hong Kong 2016

The service of the Tossing of the Holy Cross into the Sea in Hong Kong, 2016.
Archdeacon John Chryssavgis on Philokalia

Archdeacon John Chryssavgis on Philokalia. “Rightly dividing the Word of Truth”. A Symposium in Honor of Metropolitan Kallistos. Malignly Hall, Cambridge. 6-8 February 2015
Animated map shows how religions spread across the world

This animated map shows how religion spread across the world.
Vesting of a Bishop in the Orthodox Rite

The Bishop, in the midst of his people, is vested by the deacons and subdeacons.
Holy Pascha 2015 in Hong Kong

Holy Pascha 2015 at Saint Luke Orthodox Cathedral in Hong Kong. Christ is Risen!
“Go and make disciples of all Nations”

Holy Pascha 2015 at Saint Luke Orthodox Cathedral in Hong Kong. Christ is Risen!
“Descent” as a way of meeting God

“Descent” as a way of Meeting God. Archimandrite Zacharias from Forerunner’s Holy Monastery, Essex, explains how “Descent” is a perfect way to meet God’s Person.
The Experience of Orthodox Life

The experience of the Orthodox Life. Elder Ephraim from Simonos Petra Monastery, Mt Athos, speaks about the depth of Orthodox spiritual life.