Great Lent Begins 2023
General Rules of the fasting season of Great Lent
The Lenten Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian
A short explanation of the Lenten Prayer of Saint Efraim the Syrian.
A short note on the major hymns of the Great Compline
a short note on the major hymns of the Great Compline
The Prayer of Manasseh, King of Judah
This prayer of Manasseh is read during the Great Apodeipnon service (Great Compline) beginning with the evening of the Monday after Cheesefare Sunday (Clean Monday).
A Guide to the Season of the Triodion
There is more to Lent than fasting, and there is more to fasting than food. This principle lies at the heart of the Lenten Triodion, the main hymnbook of Orthodox Lent.