The Akathistos Hymn in Hong Kong


The service of the Akathistos Hymn will be held at Saint Luke Orthodox Cathedral in Hong Kong on Friday 31, 2017, at 18.30 pm.

The service of the Akathistos Hymn will be held at Saint Luke Orthodox Cathedral in Hong Kong on Friday 31, 2017, at 18.30 pm.

“Among the thousands of hymns attributed to St. Romanos, the Melodist of Constantinople, the AKATHIST was without doubt the most successful. Composed for liturgical use, c. 530, it must have entered at once into the life of monasteries and convents; at least of some of them.

On August 7, 626, after the great liberation of Constantinople, Patriarch Sergius chose it as a Hymn of Thanksgiving to the Mother of God, the Theotokos, adding the prelude in which is an allusion to Mary’s part in the remarkable victory. This fact indicates that Romanos’s Hymn was already considered the most beautiful of all hymns existing in the Greek Liturgy in honor of the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of God. It was moreover precisely on this occasion that Romanos’s Hymn, composed for the feast of the Annunciation, became the AKATHIST, it was sung “standing” by the clergy and the faithful.

After a second miraculous liberation of Constantinople in 717-718, Romanos’s Hymn, already the AKATHIST, was again chosen by the Patriarch St. Germanus of Constantinople, the founder of the Feast of the AKATHIST, on the Saturday of the 5th week in Lent.

In the ninth century a beautiful “Canon” composed of nine odes was added to Romanos’s Hymn.”
