About the Fast of the Nativity
Nativity of Christ


On the Nativity Fast.


On Friday, 15th November, (Monday, November 15, 2021) we enter the joyful season of Christmas. Our Church prepares us to receive the Lord Jesus Christ who came into the world as a simple man.

On the Feast of the Entry of the Most-holy Mother of God into the Temple of Solomon (21st November), we shall sing the Christmas hymn: “Christ is born, give glory! Christ comes from heaven, go to meet Him! Christ is on earth, be exalted!” The Church invites us to praise Christ from the bottom of our hearts, for He “made Himself nothing, taking on the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men” (Phil. 2:7); He emptied His divinity to become one with His creation.

The season of Advent is a time for preparation as we get ready to receive the Divine Child. Do not forget to consider the poor and sick, the weak and elderly, strangers, and all those who are without friends and family. For such, Christ is the only hope and joy. Do not neglect to show sympathy for our neighbours’ many problems. Let us remember to have love and respect for the living and departed, and all those who need our compassion and active love. “It is important that the servant should imitate the Master, who is full of pity, sensibility, righteousness and justice, and does not lord it over us” (St. John Chrysostom, Vol. 8, p.889).

It is our duty to “visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27).

by Gregorios, Archbishop of Thyateira & Great Britain
