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The Celebration of Palm Sunday in Hong Kong


The Orthodox Community in Hong Kong celebrated in a solemn way the Palm Sunday (28 April 2013). Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia presided over the Divine Liturgy. Before the Dismissal of the Liturgy Metropolitan Nektarios blessed the Palm branches and spoke about the very instructive spiritual symbolisms of the feast.

The Orthodox Community in Hong Kong celebrated in a solemn way the Palm Sunday (28 April 2013). Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia presided over the Divine Liturgy. Before the Dismissal of the Liturgy Metropolitan Nektarios blessed the Palm branches and spoke about the very instructive spiritual symbolisms of the feast.

On Palm Sunday evening Metropolitan Nektarios presided over the first service of Holy and Great Week, the Service of the Bridegroom.  With the light of the candles a solemn procession of the icon of the Bridegroom-Christ was held.

Beginning on the evening of Palm Sunday and continuing through the evening of Holy Tuesday, the Orthodox Church observes a special service known as the Service of the BRIDEGROOM. Each evening service is the Matins or Orthros service of the following day (e.g. the service held on Sunday evening is the Orthros service for Holy Monday). The name of the service is from the figure of the Bridegroom in the parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew 25:1-13. The title Bridegroom suggests the intimacy of love. It is not without significance that the Kingdom of God is compared to a bridal feast and a bridal chamber. The Christ of the Passion is the Divine Bridegroom of the Church. The imagery connotes the final union of the Lover and the beloved.




