Selections from the 9th Ode of the Canon for the Presentation of Christ


Verse: Virgin Mother, Lady pure, what do you bring to the Nave? “I now offer my new babe to the arms of Symeon”

O Believers, come let us perceive a type in the law, and the shadow and the letter. Every male that opens the womb shall be holy to God. So the unoriginal Father’s firstborn Logos and Son who is the firstborn of the Mother who knew not man we magnify.

Verse: Now departure do I seek from my Lord and Fashioner, for I saw You, O my Christ, You, who are my saving Light.

A pair of doves or young pigeons was required of old. Now instead of these, the divine Elder and the chaste Anna, the prophetess, minister to the Father’s progeny, who was born of the Virgin, and who was brought by her to the Temple. And Him they magnified.
