Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Luke in Hong Kong
Holy Week and Pascha 2021
Schedule of Services
- Palm Sunday-Sunday, April 25
10.00 am Divine Liturgy
11.00 am Bridegroom Service
- Holy and Great Wednesday-Wednesday, April 28
19.00 pm Sacrament of the Holy Unction
- Holy and Great Thursday-Thursday, April 29
19.00 pm Service of the Holy Passions (12 Gospels)
- Holy and Great Friday-Friday, April 30
19.00 pm Epitaphios Service (Lamentations)
- Holy and Great Saturday-Saturday, May 01
20.00 pm The Glorious Resurrection and the Liturgy of Pascha
Please note:
There is no prescribed number who can attend ordinary worship but according to the amended Cap. 599G, religious gatherings held at any premises constructed or regularly used as a place of worship (including a church, monastery or nunnery, mosque, synagogue or temple) will be exempted from prohibition of group gathering starting from 1st April, on the conditions that measures must be in place for restricting the number of participants in the activity to not more than 30% of the number of persons that may normally be accommodated on the premises and no food or drink is served (except food or drink as part of a religious ritual).
We ask for your cooperation to keep everyone safe:
- If you are ill or have a fever, do NOT attend service.
- The laity must wear a facemask or similar covering of the mouth and nose at all times.
- Once the Liturgy is concluded, the faithful should leave the church compound and avoid socialising.
- Before entering the church compound, the faithful are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR code. The information collected will be kept for 31 days and will solely be used by the Government for contact tracing purposes in preventing further spread of the virus.
Read more here