Holy Week and Pascha at Home. Resource Guide


Holy Week and Pascha at Home. Resource Guide.

Christ is in our Midst! He is and always shall be!

He is in our midst in plague and health, in poor and plenty, in our church and in our homes. And there He shall be during Holy Week, whether we participate in our church building or in our homes.

But you know that already. You know that because our hierarchs, our clergy, our lay leaders, and our brothers ad sisters in Christ are encouraging each other with the words. We know we ARE the Church, and we ought to be encouraged and consoled by that. However, should we not be able to be together to worship during Holy Week, we should also know that it is okay to experience that loss. It is okay to grieve the rhythm and normalcy of worshipping together in our parish communities. It is a beautiful thing to yearn to be with Christ in His temple with our church family.

The unfortunate truth is, of course, that it will not be so this year. Holy Week is difficult. As Orthodox Christians we spend about a 40-hour week at services if we attend every service. This is hard enough with the sights, the smells, the sounds immediately before us, but it will be harder when we are in the comfort of our own homes. So how is it that we can keep ourselves and our children attentive to live- streamed services during the pinnacle of our Church year? How can we continue to celebrate the week in our homes? I’d like to share some ideas with you.

Presvytera Jennifer Moore

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